Knowledge and Resources - B Lab UK

Knowledge and Resources

The Purpose Dividend

The UK is walking a financial and economic tightrope. Policymakers agree higher levels of investment are needed to drive productivity, growth and living standards. At the same time, we need to achieve a rapid transition to net zero and spread prosperity more evenly throughout society.

New research from B Lab UK and Demos explores the impact of stakeholder-governed and purpose-led businesses on the UK economy. 

The Climate Justice Playbook for Business

B Lab and the B Corp Climate Collective stand firmly in solidarity with historically marginalised communities around the world – those who are and will continue to be most affected by the devastating impacts of climate change. Our climate action centres on justice and takes a human-centred approach to action and advocacy. 

B Lab and the B Corp Climate Collective collaborated with Oxford University, Provoc, and the Race to Zero team at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to release The Climate Justice Playbook for Business. 

As demands for systems change continue to build, the playbook calls on the global business community to make a fundamental shift in mindset and behaviour, to evolve from extractive and exploitative approaches to climate action to regeneration and equity and equity, and to put those who are most impacted by climate change at the forefront of driving solutions. 

How to Declare a Climate Emergency 

The purpose of this playbook is to inspire and support businesses of all sizes who want to take climate action, declare a climate emergency and engage in meaningful climate advocacy. The playbook presents practical tools and resources for business executives and employees who wish to step up their commitment to transforming their organisation’s governance, operations and business models to address the climate emergency. 

This resource was brought to you by B Lab UK with the support and guidance of The B Team and Oxford University’s Saïd Business School.

B Climate Tools Base

The B Corp Climate Collective has partnered with Oxford University to curate the B Climate Tools Base, a set of tools to guide you on the path toward achieving net zero emissions by 2030 while taking a human-centric, climate justice-oriented approach.

These tools can help you track your carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions; refine your climate justice approach; reduce your emissions and the emissions in your value chain; identify offsetting projects; report your progress; form partnerships; and more.