Why certify as a B Corp?
Businesses that become B Corps have seen great results: committed and motivated employees, increased customer loyalty, higher levels of innovation, and market leadership.

Recent research shows that B Corps out-perform their UK peers across several business metrics, including:
- A faster annual growth in revenue and employee headcount
- More robust stakeholder governance
- Stronger economic resilience
- Higher importance placed on environmental footprint
- Greater rewards for employees
The UK B Corp community is now one of the fastest growing B Corp communities in the world. Why?
Certifying as a B Corp can bring the following benefits:
- Improving impact through participation in working groups, sharing best practice and ongoing use of the BIA and SDG Action Manager
- Collaborating with other B Corps, joining B Locals around the UK and working together to find solutions to specific challenges
- Networking and attending exclusive community events
- Alignment with B Lab and the B Corp Community on global issues
- Engaging employees in the company’s purpose and mission and attracting and retaining talent
- Articulating the company’s mission externally – to investors, clients, customers and suppliers

Listen to Jo-Anne Chidley, Founder, Beauty Kitchen

What does being a B Corp mean to you?
Listen to what one of our Founders in the community has to say!